Операция: Service Specification
This capability pattern provides service behavior specifications and identifies service providers and partitions.
Расширяет: Service Specification
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The purpose of this capability pattern is to provide detailed specifications of service behavior and model the service portfolio in terms of service providers and partitions.

This capability pattern has the following goals:

  • To refine the definitions of service design elements by providing detailed specifications of service behavior and modeling the service portfolio in terms of service providers and partitions
  • To refine and update the use-case realizations, as design changes are made, or new service design elements are identified
  • To review the design as it evolves
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Typically, one person or a small team is responsible for a set of service specifications, services and their collaborations. This person/team is responsible for fleshing out the design details of the elements and completing all operation definitions and behavioral models for the service specification as well as the definition of relationships to other services and service specifications. This person/team may organize the model according to packages or subsystems in a traditional UML way or may use service partitions to provide logical views of the organization of the model.

Typically the designer responsible for the service collaboration or other models of the composition of services should be familiar with the binding and encoding options for service channels and messages. These options have differing performance and security characteristics and the trade-offs made when choosing one over another should be made with the overall solution non-functional requirements in mind.

While the individual service model elements are refined, the use-case realizations must be refined to reflect the evolving responsibilities of the service model elements. Typically, one person or a small team is responsible for refining one or more related use-case realizations. As service model elements are added or refined, the use-case realizations need to be reconsidered and evolved as they become outdated, or as improvements in the service model allow for simplifications in the use-case realizations. The individuals or teams responsible for use-case realizations need to have broader understanding of the behavior required by the use cases and of the trade-offs of different approaches to allocating this behavior amongst service model elements. In addition, since they are responsible for selecting the elements that will perform the use cases, they need to have a deep understanding of specified behaviors of the service model elements themselves.

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