Справочная таблица: Business Use-Case Realization
This checklist helps make sure that a Business Use-Case Realization is complete and effective.
Элементы справочной таблицы
Is the business use-case realization workflow clear and understandable
Does it describe the workflow and not just the purpose of the business use case
Does each business use-case realization perform only activities inside the business
Are all possible activities, that belong to the business use-case realization described
Are only business actors that interact with the business use-case realization mentioned
Are only steps that belong to the business use-case realization described
Does it mention only business use-case realizations with which it has relationships
Does it clearly indicate when the order of steps is not fixed
Is the workflow well-structured
Are the start and end of the workflow clearly described
Is each extend-relationship described clearly so that it is obvious how and when the business use case is inserted
Do the business workers and business entities perform the business use-case realization workflow, including all alternative and optional subflows, as described in the business use-case workflow
Do the business workers and business entities in each business use-case realization have all necessary relationships to perform the activities