Отчет: Business Analysis Model Survey
This report is used as a binder to present the business analysis model to people interested in the results of business modeling. They include systems analysts, software architects, designers and testers.
Связанные элементы
Основное описание

1. Introduction
An Introduction to the business analysis model.

2. Business Systems
This section presents the business systems hierarchically, explains the dependencies among them, and shows the content of each business system recursively. If the model has several levels of business systems, those at the top-level are presented first. The business systems within these are presented next, and so on, all the way down to the business systems at the bottom of the hierarchy. For each business system include:

  • Its Name.
  • A Brief Description.
  • A list of any responsibilities that have been defined by the business system.
  • A list of the business workers, business entities and business events owned by the business system, including name and a brief description.
  • A description of how the business system responsibilities are carried out by the contained elements.
  • A list of the relationships owned by the business system, including the name and a brief description of each relationship.
  • A list of the business systems directly owned by the business system, each presented in the same hierarchical manner as above.

3. Diagrams of the business analysis model
The diagrams, primarily class diagrams, of the entire business analysis model are included here. Business use case realizations and their diagrams are reported separately in Report: Business Use Case Realization .