This tool mentor describes how to use Rational Rose to record the results of finding business workers and entities.
The following steps are a summary of how you model the results of finding business workers and entities:
Create the Business Analysis Model
classes in the Business Analysis Model
Create the
business use-case realizations package
Create a business use-case realization
Create traceability
between a business use-case and its realization
Identify the business use case realization
Create a
collaboration diagram for the business use-case realization
Place actors and objects in a
collaboration diagram
Create links between objects in a
collaboration diagram
Create a sequence
diagram for the business use case realization
Place actors and objects in a sequence
Describe messages between objects
in a sequence diagram
what an object does when it receives a message in a sequence diagram
class diagrams to document classes in the Business Analysis Model
1. Create the Business Analysis Model
A separate Business Analysis Model can be represented in Rational Rose using a package within the Logical View Named
"Business Analysis Model". To create a package called Business Analysis Model in the Logical View:
2. Create classes in the
Business Analysis Model
To create a class (a business worker, business event or a business entity) in the business analysis model:
3. Create the business use-case
realizations package in the Business Analysis Model
All business use-case realizations are organized initially into a package within the Work Product: Business Analysis Model, which is in turn represented
as a package in the Logical View in Rational Rose.
When you create a package within the Business Analysis Model to contain the business use-case realizations, you should:
4. Create a business
use-case realization
To create a business use-case realization:
5. Create traceability between a business
use-case and its
To create traceability between a business use case and its business use-case realization:
6. Identify the business use-case realization owner
To insert an owner dependency from a business use case realization to a business worker in a class diagram, do the
Select the Dependency arrow from the toolbox in the class diagram editor.
Position the cursor on the business use case realization in the class diagram. Left-click and move the cursor to
the business worker symbol and release.
Double-click on the created dependency and select the «owner» stereotype in the Dependency Specification dialog
Click OK.
Right-click on the created dependency, and make sure that the Show Stereotype selection is checked in the pop-up
The stereotype label can be repositioned by dragging and dropping it in the diagram.
7. Create a collaboration diagram for the
business use-case realization
Business use-case realizations are captured in Rational Rose using collaboration diagrams. For more complex
realizations, you can use sequence diagrams (see Create a Sequence Diagram for
the Business Use-Case Realization).
To create a collaboration diagram for the business use-case realization:
8. Place actors and objects in a collaboration diagram
To create objects in collaboration diagrams, do the following:
9. Create links between objects in a collaboration
Links provide a way for two objects/actors to exchange messages. To create a link between two objects in a
collaboration diagram, do the following:
10. Create a sequence diagram for the business
To create a sequence diagram for a business use-case realization:
11. Place actors and objects in a sequence diagram
To place actors objects in sequence diagrams:
12. Describe messages between objects in a sequence
To create a message in a sequence diagram:
To document a message:
To rearrange the time order of messages in a sequence diagram, select the message arrow and drag-and-drop messages up
and down the time axis to rearrange the order.
13. Describe what an object does
when it receives a message in a sequence diagram
To attach a script to a message:
Scripts can be formatted by selecting their text box and dragging the corner markers.
14. Create class diagrams to document
classes in the Business Analysis Model
To create a class diagram and insert a class in the diagram, do the following: