Course Registration System

Use-Case Specification


Maintain Student Information Use Case


Version: Draft


Revision History





21/Dec/98 Draft Draft version S. Gamble


Table of Contents

  1.   Brief Description
  2.   Flow of Events
    2.1    Basic Flow - Add Student
    2.2    Alternative Flows
                         2.2.1    Modify a Student
            2.2.2    Delete a Student
  3. Special Requirements
  4. Preconditions
    4.1    Log In
  5. Postconditions
  6. Extension Points


Maintain Student Information Use Case

  1. Brief Description
  2. This use case allows the Registrar to maintain student information in the registration system. This includes adding, modifying, and deleting students from the system.

    The actor for this use case is the Registrar.

    2.    Flow of Events

    The use case begins when the Registrar selects the "maintain student" activity from the Main Form.

2.1    Basic Flow - Add Student
    1. The Registrar selects "add student."
    2. The system displays a blank student form.
    3. The Registrar enters the following information for the student: name, date of birth, social security number, status, and graduation date.
    4. The system validates the data to insure the proper format and searches for an existing student with the specified name. If the data is valid the system creates a new student and assigns a unique system-generated id number.
    5. Steps 2-4 are repeated for each student added to the system. When the Registrar is finished adding students to the system the use case ends.
2.2    Alternative Flows

         2.2.1    Modify a Student

        Issue: Must ensure the flows for modifying and deleting students are similar to the flows for modifying and deleting professors.

        2.2.2    Delete a Student

Issue: Must ensure the flows for modifying and deleting students are similar to the flows for modifying and deleting professors.

    3.    Special Requirements

    Special requirements will be determined during the next iteration.

    4.    Preconditions

            4.1    Log In

    Before this use case begins the Registrar has logged onto the system.

    5.    Postconditions    

    Postconditions will be determined during the next iteration.

    6.    Extension Points

Extension points of the business use case will be identified during the Elaboration Phase.


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Course Registration Project Web Example
Version 2001.03