Артефакт: Service Channel
This artifact is a model element that represents a connection between two services or between a client and a server over which interaction with the service takes place. Note that the channel does not represent any interaction in particular.
Типы рабочих продуктов: Элементы модели

The service channel provides the connection between two services or between a service and a client that allows for communication. Consider the example of a dedicated telephone line between two parties; the connection is always there even if it is not used and the connection is distinct from any conversation that takes place on it. When modeling collaborations between services and specifically messages being sent between services, these take place over the connection.

РолиОтветственный: Изменен:
Опции представленияUML Representation:

Connector (UML 2.0), stereotyped as <<Service Channel>>.

The set of bindings, or rather the text used on the tagged value, available to use in a model is undefined by RUP and will vary by project. One can assume that common Internet standards such as SOAP-HTTP, or or platform specific options such as NetRemoting, RMI or SOAP-JMS would be available.

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