What's New in RUP for RSx
Основное описание

For a description of this plug-in's contents, refer to About RUP for RSx.

The new features and changes from version to version are described below.

From 3.0 to 3.1

  • Changes to the Model Structure Guidelines. 
  • Updated the RSx tool mentors. 
  • Added the support for Rational Software Modeler (RSM).

From 2.0.1 to 3.0

  • Refactored the content, so it could be reused by different RSA variants.
  • Added the support for Rational Systems Developer (RSD). 

From 2.0 to 2.0.1

This release includes several editorial updates and other minor corrections.

From 1.0 to 2.0

  • Migration to Rational Method Composer tooling.
  • Minor edits (Addition of brief descriptions, spelling, language, accessibility and so on).


This is the initial release of this plug-in.