Руководство по инструменту: Incorporating Existing Design Elements Using Rational Systems Developer
This tool mentor describes how to incorporate exisiting design elements using the RSD modeling environment.
Инструмент: Rational Systems Developer
Расширяет: Incorporating Existing Design Elements Using Rational Software Development Platform
Основное описание


The following steps are performed in this tool mentor:

Additional Tool Information

Identify Reuse Opportunities

Look for existing subsystems or components that offer similar interfaces. Some assets may have been packaged for intentional reuse using the Reusable Asset Specification (RAS). If created within the tool, such assets can be browsed and loaded. See help book iconPackaging Assets for Reuse in the online Help.

Reverse-Engineer Components and Databases

Note: some of the tool capabilities mentioned in this section are not supported in RSM.

For assets that do not include a model, it may be useful to reverse engineer a model to better understand the design. Some of these components could be discovered using the code visualization and the pattern/anti-pattern detection capabilities which are part of the support for Architectural Analysis. If the asset proves to be usable, the diagrams will be the base for building or generating new model elements and the asset might qualify as a RAS candidate. See the Architectural Discovery, Analysis and Control guidelines.

For an asset that your company controls, there may be opportunities to make minor changes to a candidate interface which will improve its conformance to the desired interface. For assets that your company does not control, you can create adapter or bridge design elements that map your desired interface onto interfaces provided by the assets reused. See Identify Design Elements for guidelines on creating and modifying interfaces and classes.

Update the Organization of the Design Model

Reorganize the design elements into packages as necessary.  Refer to the white paper: Model Structure Guidelines for RSx for more guidance on organizing the design model.

Update the Logical View

If there is a separate logical view, it needs to be maintained. See the white paper Model Structure Guidelines for RSx.

Additional Tool Information


  • help book iconApply a Pattern
  • help book iconCreate a Pattern
  • help book iconImport a RAS Asset
  • help book iconExport a RAS Asset


  • help book iconRAS Assets - RAS Asset to Import/Export
  • help book iconPatterns - Simple UML Model