This page lists books, articles, and other references.
Основное описание


SPEM08 Software Process Engineering Meta-Model, Version 2.0y, Object Management Group, 2008.


CLA97 Carl von Clausewitz 1997. On War. Wordsworth Editions.
OHM91 Kenichi Ohmae 1991. The Mind of the Strategist: The Art of Japanese Business. McGraw-Hill.
KN96 Robert Kaplan and David Norton 1996. The Balanced Scorecard. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.


AMB03 Ambler, S. Generalizing Specialists: Improving Your IT Career Skills,
BOE91 Barry W. Boehm 1991. Software Risk Management: Principles and Practices, IEEE Software, Jan. 1991, IEEE, pp.32-41.
BOE95 Boehm, B. Anchoring the Software Process,  (Get Adobe Reader)

Brooks, F.P The Mythical Man Month: Essays on Software Engineering, 20th Anniversary Edition. Addison Wesley Professional, 1995.

CRO79 Crosby, Philip. Quality is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain, McGraw-Hill, 1979.
DOD94 Software Development and Documentation, MIL-STD-498, U.S. Department of Defense, December 1994.
GIL88 Tom Gilb 1988. Principles of Software Engineering Management. Harlow, England: Addison Wesley Longman.
A great book by a pioneer of iterative development, it's full of pragmatic advice for the project manager.
KAN07 Kaner, S. Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making. Jossey-Bass, 2007.
KAT93 Katzenbach, Jon and Smith, Douglas K.  The Wisdom of Teams, New York, NY: Harper Business, 1993.  
The secret of effective teams.
KER01 Kerth, N. Project Retrospectives: A Handbook for Team Reviews. Dorset House, 2001.
KRO03 Kroll, P. and Kruchten, P. The Rational Unified Process Made Easy, Addison Wesley, 2003.
KRO05 Kroll, P. and MacIsaac, B. Agility and Discipline Made Easy, Addison Wesley, 2005.
KRU00 Kruchten, P. From Waterfall to Iterative Development - A Challenging Transition for Project Managers, The Rational Edge e-zine, 2000.  (Get Adobe Reader)
LEF07 Leffingwell, Dean. Scaling Software Agility, Addison Wesley, 2007.
PMI Project Management Institute (PMI), Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK(r)):
POL08 Pollice, G. Collaboration Support: The next evolutionary step, The Rational Edge e-zine, 2008.
RUP06 IBM Rational 2006. The Rational Unified Process.
A commercial methodology, also based on the Eclipse Process Framework, and advanced guidance on topics such as business modeling, portfolio management, asset-based development, real-time design, user experience, and so on.
SCH04 Schwaber, K. Agile Project Management with Scrum. Microsoft Press 2004.

An excellent reference by one of the co-inventors of the Scrum project management method.

SEI99 SEI, 1999. Software Risk Evaluation (SRE) Method Description, v2.0. .  (Get Adobe Reader)

Rational Unified Process References

AMI95 K. Pulford, A. Kuntzmann-Combelles, and S. Shirlaw 1995. A Quantitative Approach to Software Management-The AMI Handbook. Addison Wesley Longman. 
BOE00 Barry W. Boehm et al, 2000. Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
The successor to the original classic work.
BOE81 Barry W. Boehm 1981. Software Engineering Economics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
A classic work on software effort estimation that describes the original COCOMO estimation model.
Still the best little introduction to risk management.
BOO95 Grady Booch 1995. Object Solutions-Managing the Object-Oriented Project. Addison Wesley Longman.
A pragmatic book for managers of object-oriented projects; one of the sources on the underlying philosophy of the RUP.
CAN01 Murray Cantor 2001. Software Leadership. Addison-Wesley Longman.
CAR93 Marvin J. Carr, et al. 1993. Taxonomy-Based Risk Identification, Technical Report CMU/SEI-93-TR-6, Pittsburgh, PA, SEI, June 1993, 24p.
Provides a source of inspiration to get started on your own list of risks.
CHA89 Robert Charette 1989. Software Engineering Risk Analysis and Management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Practical perspective on risk management.
CHID94 Chidamber and Kemerer 1994. A metrics suite for object-oriented design, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 20(6), 1994.
One of the original contributions to the field of OO software metrics.
CLE96 Robert T. Clemen 1996. Making Hard Decisions: An Introduction to Decision Analysis. Duxbury Press. 
Thorough yet accessible treatment of the fundamentals of decision analysis.

Cohn, M. Agile Estimation and Planning, Addison Wesley Longman, 2005

DEV95 Michael T. Devlin and Walker E. Royce.  Improving Software Economics in the Aerospace and Defense Industry, Technical Paper TP-46, Santa Clara, CA, Rational Software Corporation, 1995.
EVA98 James R. Evans and David L. Olson 1998. Introduction to Simulation and Risk Analysis.  Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Good introduction to the use of simulation for business modeling.
FAI94 Richard Fairley 1994. "Risk Management for Software Project," IEEE Software, 11 (3), May 1994, pp.57-67
Straightforward strategy for risk management if you have never done this before.
A great book by a pioneer of iterative development, it's full of pragmatic advice for the project manager.
HEND96 Brian Henderson-Sellers 1996. Object-Oriented Metrics, Measures of Complexity. Prentice Hall PTR.
Good, detailed coverage of OO-specific metrics.
JON94 Capers Jones 1994. Assessment and Control of Software Risks. Yourdon Press.
An indispensable source of risks to check your list against to make sure it's is complete.
KAR96 Dale Karolak 1996. Software Engineering Risk Management. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press.
Offers more sophisticated advice and techniques for risk management.
MCO96 Steve McConnell 1996. Rapid Development. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press.
Excellent coverage of good practice for rapid software development
MSP97 User's Guide for Microsoft Project 98, Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
OCO94 Fergus O'Connell 1994. How to Run Successful Projects. New York, NY: Prentice-Hall International.
A real gem! Everything you really need to know to manage your first project, in 170 pages.
PMI96 A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. The Project Management Institute: Newton Square, PA, 19073-3299, USA. 1996.
PUT92 Lawrence Putnam & Ware Myers 1992. Measures for Excellence: Reliable Software On Time, Within Budget. Yourdon Press.
ROY98 Walker Royce 1998. Software Project Management: A Unified Framework. Addison Wesley Longman.
An indispensable companion to the RUP, this book describes the spirit of the Rational Process and its underlying software economics. Full of great advice for the project manager.
VOS96 David Vose 1996. Quantitative Risk Analysis: A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulation Modeling. John Wiley & Sons.
A good guide to the modeling of uncertainty using Monte Carlo techniques.
WHIT97 Scott Whitmire 1997. Object-Oriented Design Measurement. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A good, if mathematically challenging, treatment of the theoretical basis of software measurement.

Portfolio management resources


Bales, C.F., P.C. Chatterjee, F.W. Gluck, D.Gogel, A. Puri, and D.C. Watters. The McKinsey Quarterly, June 2000, 21-28.


Collis, D. and C. Montgomery. Corporate Strategy: A Resource-Based Approach. 1998. McGrawHill, Boston, MA.

COO01 Cooper, R., S. Edgett, and E. Kleinschmidt. "Portfolio Management for New Product Development: Results of an Industry Practices Study." R&D Management, Vol 41, No 4, 2001, 361-380.
GLU80 Gluck, F.W. "Strategic Choice and Resource Allocation." The McKinsey Quarterley, Winter 1980, 22-23.
GRA91 Grant, R.M. Contemporary Strategy Analysis. 1991. Basil Blackwell, Cambridge, MA.
GRO05 Grote, D. Forced Ranking: Making Performance Management Work. 2005. Harvard Business School Press.
HEN01 Henard, D. and D. Szymanski. "Why some new products are more successful than others." Journal of Marketing Research, Vol XXXVIII, 2001, 362-375
PDI Product Development Institute, Inc., Stage-Gate(r): Your Roadmap for New Product Development:
PMBOK08 Project Management Institute (PMI), Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK(r)), Fourth Edition:
PMIPM08 Project Management Institute (PMI), The Standard for Portfolio Management, Second Edition:
POR85 Porter, M. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. 1985. The Free Press, New York, NY.


ADO03 Adolph, Bramble, Cockburn, and Pols Patterns for Effective Use Cases, Addison Wesley, 2003.
ADO04 Adolph, Bramble, Cockburn, and Pols Tutorial 17: Patterns for Writing Effective Use Cases, presented at the 19th Annual Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications, 2004.
ALE77 Alexander, C. A Pattern Language, Oxford University Press, 1977
ALE79 Alexander, C., A Timeless Way of Building, Oxford University Press, 1979
ALL02 Allamaraju, S. Architecture Paradox,

Alur, D., Crupi, J., Malks, D., Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies, Prentice Hall/Sun Press, 2001.


Ambler, S.W. Agile Modeling: Effective Practices for Extreme Programming and Unified Process. Wiley Publishing, 2002.


Ambler, S.W. Agile Database Techniques: Effective Strategies for the Agile Software Developer.  Wiley Publishing, 2003.


Ambler, S.W. The Object Primer 3rd Edition: Agile Model Driven Development with UML 2. Cambridge University Press, 2004.


Ambler, S.W. and Sadalage, P.J. Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design.  Addison Wesley, 2006.


Bergstrom, S. and Raberg, L., Adopting the Rational Unified Process, Success with the RUP, Addison- Wesley, 2004.


Boehm, B., Papaccio, C. Understanding and Controlling Software Cost, IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, Oct. 1988.

BOE91 Boehm, B., Software Risk Management: Principles and Practices, IEEE Software. vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 32-41, 1991.
BOE03a Boehm, B. and Turner, R., Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003.
BOE03b Boehm, B. and Turner, R., Using Risk to Balance Agile and Plan-Driven Methods, IEEE Computer. vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 57-66, 2003.
BOO05 Booch, G., Rumbaugh, J., Jacobson, I.The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005
BRO95 Brooks, F. P., The Mythical Man-Month, Essays on Software Engineering Anniversary Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1995.
BUS96 Buschmann, F., Meunier, R., Rohnert, H.,Sommerlad, P., Stal, M., Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture -- A System of Patterns, Wiley, 1996.
COC01 Cockburn, A.,Agile Software Development, Addison-Wesley, 2001.

Cohn, M. Agile Estimation and Planning, Addison Wesley Longman, 2005

COP95 Coplien, J., Schmidt, D., Pattern Languages of Program Design,Addison-Wesley Professional, 1995
GAM95 Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R., Vlissides, J., Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley Professional; 1995
GAB98 Gabriel, Richard P., Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community, Oxford University Press, 1998.
GAM95 Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R., Vlissides, J., Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley Professional; 1995
GAR93 David Garlan and Mary Shaw. An Introduction to Software Architecture,  SEI Technical Report CMU/SEI-94-TR-21. 
HAN99 Hansen, M.T., Nohria, N., and Tierney, T., What's Your Strategy for Managing Knowledge?, Harvard Business Review, pp. 106-16, Mar.- Apr. 1999.
HIC03 Hickey A., Davis, A. Elicitation Technique Selection: How Do the Experts Do It?, International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE03), Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society Press, Sep. 2003.
HUL05 Hull, E., Jackson, K. and Dick, J. Requirements Engineering, Second Edition. Springer, 2005.
IE610.12 IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology, Corrected Edition, IEEE Std 610.12, Feb. 1991.
IEP1471 IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural Description, IEEE Std P1471, 2000.
KAZ00 Kazman, R., Carriere, S. J., Woods, S. G. Toward a Discipline of Scenario-Based Architectural Engineering.  (Get Adobe Reader), Annals of Software Engineering, Vol. 9, 2000, 5-33.
KAZ04 Kazman, R., Kruchten, P., Nord, R., Tomayko, J. Integrating Software-Architecture-Centric Methods into the Rational Unified Process, CMU-SEI Technical Reports, 2004.
KRU95 Kruchten, Phillipe B.,  The 4+1 View Model of Architecture, IEEE Software, vol. 12, no. 6, pp 42-50, Nov. 1995 
MAR03  Marick, B., Exploration Through Example.
MEY97  Meyer, B., Object-Oriented Software Construction, Prentice Hall, 1997
NBG01 Eric J. Naiburg and Robert A. Maksimchuk. UML for Database Design, New York, NY: Addison Wesley, 2001
OLS00 Olson, G. M. and Olson J. S., Distance Matters, Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 15, pp. 139 – 178, 2000.
OOP96 The 1996 ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programs, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), The Origins of Pattern Theory, the Future of the Theory, and The Generation of a Living World.
PW92 Dewayne E. Perry and Alexander L. Wolf. Foundations for the Study of Software Architecture. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 17(4):40-52, Oct. 1992.

An excellent reference by one of the co-inventors of the Scrum project management method.

ROD99 Rodhain, F., Tacit to Explicit: Transforming Knowledge through Cognitive Mapping – An Experiment, Proceedings of the 1999 ACM SIGCPR Conference on Computer Personnel Research, pp. 51-56, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1999.
SHA05 Shalloway, J., Trott, J. Design Patterns Explained A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 2005
TEL06 Telelogic, 2006. Get It Right the First Time: Writing Better Requirements.
THA00 Thayer, Richard H. and Dorfman, Merlin Software Requirements Engineering Second Edition, IEEE Computer Society, 2000
UML05 OMG, 2005. Unified Modeling Language 2.0: Superstructure.  (Get Adobe Reader)
WIB04 Wiborg-Weber, D., Vignaud, J. L. A Framework for Managing Component Based Development, Telelogic Whitepaper, 2004
WIKP-MVC Wikipedia Model-view-controller

IBM Implementation References

MCO93 Steve McConnell 1993. Code Complete-A Practical Handbook of Software Construction. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press.
A great book for the implementers and for testers looking at the implementation, integration, and test aspects of the development process.

IBM Architectural References

AMB01 Scott Ambler Data Modeling 101
ARS00 A. Arsanjani Rule Object: A Pattern Language for Flexible Modeling and Construction of Business Rules, Washington University Technical Report number:  wucs-00-29, Proceedings of the Pattern Languages of Program Design, 2000.
ARS00a A. Arsanjani,   Principles of Advanced Software Engineering: Variation-oriented Analysis, Design and Implementation, Maharishi University of Management, 2000.
ARS07 A. Arsanjani,   Design an SOA solution using a reference architecture, IBM developerWorks, March 2007.
BRC92 Thomas Bruce,   Designing Quality Databases with IDEF1X Information Models. 1992.
BRK90 Richard Barker,   Case*Method: Entity Relationship Modeling. 1990.

R. J. A. Buhr and R. S. Casselman 1996. Use Case Maps for Object-Oriented Systems. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.  

COP98 J. O. Coplien. Multi-Paradigm Design for C++. Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition, 1998.

Harvey M. Deitel 1984. An Introduction to Operating Systems. Addison Wesley Longman.

FNK89 Clive Finkelstein,   An Introduction to Information Engineering: From Strategic Planning to Information Systems. 1989.
GBS00 J. van Gurp, J. Bosch and M. Svahnberg.   Managing Variability in Software Product Lines.
GBS01 J. van Gurp, J. Bosch, and M. Svahnberg.   On the notion of variability in software product lines. In Proceedings 2nd Working IEEE / IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA), pages 45--54. IEEE Computer Society, 2001.
JB02 M. Jaring, J. Bosch,   Representing Variability in Software Product Lines: A Case Study,  Second Product Line Conference (SPLC-2), San Diego CA, August 19-22, 2002.
JHN05 Johnston, Simon.  Modeling Security Concerns in Service-Oriented Architectures, IBM developerWorks, 2005.


Doug Lea 1999.  Concurrent Programming in Java. Addison Wesley Longman.
MRR04 Jurgen Meister, Ralf Reussner, and Martin Rohde.   Managing Product Line Variability by Patterns,  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004.
PRN76 D. L. Parnas,   On the Design and Development of Program Families. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-2(1):1--9, 1976.
PTR07 Portier, Bertrand.   SOA terminology overview, Part 1: Service, architecture, governance, and business terms, IBM developerWorks, May 2007.
SBM01 A. Stephenson, D. Buttle and J. McDermid,   Extending Commonality Analysis for Embedded Control System Families . Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1951, 2001.
SGB01 M. Svahnberg, J. van Gurp, J. Bosch,   A Taxonomy of Variability Realization Techniques, 2002.
TAN86 Andrew S. Tannenbaum 1986. Operating Systems: Design and Implementation.  Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
WKIP-DML Wikipedia Data Modeling

IBM Requirements References


Scott Ambler 2004. Essential Use Cases

BIT02 Kurt Bittner & Ian Spence 2002. Use Case Modeling ISBN 0-201-70913-9
CON99 Constantine 1999. Bare Essentials: A Note on Simplifying User Interfaces by Simplifying Use Cases 

IBM User Story References


Cohn, M. User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development. Adisson-Wesley Signature Series, 2004.


Cohn, M. Agile Estimating and Planning. Prentice Hall, 2006.


Cohn, M. Non-functional requirements as user stories. Mike Cohn's Blog - Succeeding with Agile, 2008. 


Ellingsworth, M. How to use the Scrum project management method with IBM Rational Team Concert and the Jazz platform. IBM developerWorks, 2008.


Smith, B. Lessons Learned: Using Scrum with Rational Team Concert. Rational Users Conference proceedings, 2009.


Wake, W. INVEST in Stories, Smart Tasks. XP123, XPlorations Web Site, 2003. 


Waters, K. Invest in Good User Stories. All About Agile Web Site, 2008.

COTS Package Delivery


Cecilia Albert and Lisa Brownsword. Evolutionary Process for Integrating COTS-Based Systems (EPIC): An Overview. Key Elements in Building, Fielding, and Supporting Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) Based Solutions. TECHNICAL REPORT, CMU/SEI-2002-TR-009, ESC-TR-2002-009, July 2002.

Cecilia Albert and Lisa Brownsword. Evolutionary Process for Integrating COTS-Based Systems (EPIC). Building, Fielding, and Supporting Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) Based Solutions. TECHNICAL REPORT, CMU/SEI-2002-TR-005, ESC-TR-2002-005, November 2002.

Ned F. Kock. Process Improvement and Organizational Learning: The Role of Collaboration Technologies. Hershey, PA: Idea Group, 1999.


Christopher Koch. The ABCs of ERP. Enterprise Resource Planning Research Center, The pros and cons of automating the company’s functional areas., March 2002.


Max Wideman. Progressive Acquisition and the RUP (Part 1). The Rational Edge, December 2002. 

Max Wideman. Progressive Acquisition and the RUP (Part 2). The Rational Edge, January 2003. 

Max Wideman. Progressive Acquisition and the RUP (Part 3. The Rational Edge, February 2003. 

Max Wideman. Progressive Acquisition and the RUP (Part 4). The Rational Edge, March 2003. 

Max Wideman. Progressive Acquisition and the RUP (Part 5). The Rational Edge, April 2003.