Задача: Создание диаграмм состояний для подсистем
This task defines the state based behavior for the elements defined during the system decomposition.
Дисциплины: System Engineering Architecture
In order to verify/validate the architectural design model through model execution, the state-based behavior of each system block at the lowest level of the architectural design needs to be defined. In the case when more behavioral aspects need to investigated early in the process, these statecharts could be created for subsystems at a higher level of decomposition.
Основное описание
In order to verify/validate the architectural design model through model execution, for each of the system blocks at the lowest level of the architectural model the associated state-based behavior needs to be described in a statechart diagram (if needed these statecharts could be created for higher levels too). The derivation of the statechart is based on the allocated functionality (=operations), captured in the white-box activity diagram, the definition of associated port(s) and interface(s), and the associated white-box sequence diagrams.
Identify wait states and action states
Based on the white-box activity diagram and associated white-box sequence diagrams identify wait states and action states.
Identify transitions, triggering events and associated actions
Based on the analysis of the white-box sequence diagrams identify transitions, triggering events and/or guarded condition(s), and associated action(s). 
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