Рекомендация: Detailing Use Cases
This guideline describes the main aspects you need to consider when you detail a use case.
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1. Review and Refine the Scenarios

Start by reviewing and refining the scenarios that you will be dealing with in the current development cycle. These may have already been initially identified during the previous activities. Use these enumerated scenarios as a starting point in determining the scope of what flows will need to be described.

2. Detail the Flow of Events

Use the outline as a starting point, and gradually make it more detailed.

Describe the use case according to the standards decided for the project. Decide on the following points before describing the use case so that you are consistent across use cases:

  • How does the use case start? The start of the use case must clearly describe the signal that activates the use case. Write, for example, "The use case can start when ... happens."
  • How does the use case terminate? You should clearly state whatever happens in the course of the flow to terminate the use case. Write, for example, "When ... happens, the use case terminates."
  • How does the use case interact with actors? To minimize any risk of misunderstanding say exactly what will reside inside the system, and what will reside outside the system. Structure the description as a series of paragraphs, in which each paragraph expresses an action in the format: "When the actor does ..., the system does ...." You can also emphasize interaction by writing that the use case sends and receives signals from actors, for example: "The use case starts when it receives the signal 'start' from the Operator."
  • How does the use case exchange data with an actor? If you like, you can refer to the arguments of the signals, but it might be better to write, for example, "The use case starts when the User logs into the system by giving his name and password."
  • How does the use case repeat some behavior? You should try to express this in natural language. However, in exceptional cases, it might be worthwhile to use code-like constructs, such as "WHILE-END WHILE," "IF-THEN-ELSE," and "LOOP-END LOOP," if the corresponding natural language terms are difficult to express. In general, however, you should avoid using such code-like constructs in use-case descriptions because they are hard to read and maintain.
  • Are there any optional situations in a use case's flow of events? Sometimes an actor is presented with several options. This should be written in the same way. For example:

    "The actor chooses one of the following, one or more times:

    a) . . .

    b) . . .

    c) . . ." etc.

  • How should the use case be described so that the customer and the users can understand it? The use of methodology-specific terminology, such as use case, actor, and signal, might make the text unnecessarily hard to grasp. To make the text easier to read, you might enumerate the actions, or adopt some other strategy. Whatever strategy you use should be specified in the general use-case-modeling guidelines so that you keep it in mind during the entire task of describing use cases.

Concentrate on describing what is done in the use case, not how specific problems internal to the system should be solved. Those details will be considered when later in the lifecycle, so do not make the description overly detailed at this point. Describe only what you believe will be stable later on.

If a use case's flow of events has become too encompassing or complex, or if it appears to have parts that are independent of one another, split it into two or more use cases.

When you write the descriptive text, refer to a glossary. As fresh terms evolve from new concepts, include them in the glossary. Do not change the definition of a term without informing the appropriate project members.

A flow of events description explores:

  • How and when the use case starts.
  • When the use case interacts with the actors, and what data they exchange.
  • How and when the use case uses data stored in the system, or stores data in the system.
  • How and when the use case ends.

You should also describe odd or exceptional flows of events. An exceptional flow is a subflow of the use case that does not adhere to the use case's normal or basic behavior. This flow may nevertheless be necessary in any complete description of the use case's behavior. A typical example of an exceptional flow is the one given in the first example. If the use case receives some unexpected data (that the actor is not the one expected in that particular context) it terminates. Having the wrong actor and terminating prematurely are not in the typical flow of events.

Other "do's and don'ts" to consider when you describe a use case include:

  • Describe the flow of events, not just the use case's functionality or purpose.
  • Describe only flows that belong to the use case, not what is going on in other use cases that work in parallel with it.
  • Do not mention actors who do not communicate with the use case in question.
  • Do not provide too much detail when you describe the use case's interaction with any actor.
  • If the order of the subflows described for the use case does not have to be fixed, do not describe it as if it does have to be fixed.
  • Use the terms in the common glossary and consider the following in writing the text:
  • Use straightforward vocabulary. Don't use a complex term when a simple one will do.
  • Write short, concise sentences.
  • Avoid adverbs, such as very, more, rather, and the like.
  • Use correct punctuation.
  • Avoid compound sentences.

From a systems engineering perspective, it is better that the use-case description be kept 'black box' at this stage, and constructed around the view of actor action, system input, black-box step (what the system does) and system output (which might flow to other actors). Description of what the system might do internally (to produce the response) might be necessary, but in no way constrains the system design. When such descriptions are written, they typically use terminology well-understood in the domain. They might refer to the state of the system (for example, when the response is conditional upon that state) and stores that the system notionally contains. This, however, reveals nothing about how the system maintains such state or stores internally, only requiring that it behaves (in its history of interactions) as if it did.

3. Structure the Flow of Events

A use case's flow of events can be divided into several subflows. When the use case is activated the subflows can combine in various ways if the following holds true:

  • The use case can proceed from one of several possible paths, depending on the input from a given actor, or the values of some attribute or object. For example, an actor can decide, from several options, what to do next, or, the flow of events may differ if a value is less or greater than a certain value.
  • The use case can perform some subflows in optional sequences.
  • The use case can perform several subflows at the same time.

You must describe all these optional or alternative flows. It is recommended that you describe each subflow in a separate supplement to the Flow of Events section, and should be mandatory for the following cases:

  • Subflows that occupy a large segment of a given flow of events.
  • Exceptional flows of events. This helps the use case's basic flow of events to stand out more clearly.
  • Any subflow that can be executed at several intervals in the same flow of events.

If a subflow involves only a minor part of the complete flow of events, it is better to describe it in the body of the text.

4. Illustrate Relationships with Actors and other Use Cases

Create use-case diagrams showing the use case and its relationships to actors and other use cases. A diagram of this type functions as a local diagram of the use case, and should be related to it. Note that this kind of local use-case diagram is typically of little value, unless the use case has use-case relationships that need to be explained, or if there is an unusual complexity among the actors involved.

5. Describe any Special Requirements

Any requirements that can be related to the use case, but that are not taken into consideration in the Flow of Events of the use case, should be described in the Special Requirements of the use case. Such requirements are likely to be nonfunctional. This step has particular significance in systems engineering: because you intend to flow down non-functional requirements to subsystems, the tracking and allocation of such requirements must be done with some rigor

6. Define Communication Protocols

Define the communication protocol to be used for any actor that is another system or external hardware. If some existing protocol (especially recognized protocols or protocols considered standard) is to be used, the description of the use case should simply name the protocol. If the protocol is new, you should point to where the protocol definition can be found which will need to be fully described during object-model development.

This step has special significance in systems engineering, because it is likely that the system will interact with several external systems or pieces of hardware. Previously you produced a broad description of what is exchanged in the actor-system use-case association (with each association). Now you elaborate that description by selecting a protocol for it.

7. Describe Preconditions

A precondition on a use case explains the state the system must be in order for the use case to be possible to start.

Take care to describe the system state; avoid describing the detail of other incidental tasks that may have taken place prior to this use case.

Preconditions are not used to create a sequence of use cases. There will never be a case where you have to first perform one use case, then another, in order to have a meaningful flow of events. If you feel there is a need to do this, it is likely that you have decomposed the use-case model too much. Correct this problem by combining the sequentially dependent use cases into a single use case. If this makes the resulting  use case too complex, consider techniques for structuring use cases.

8. Describe Postconditions

A postcondition on a use case lists possible states the system can be in at the end of the use case. The system must be in one of those states at the end of the execution of the use case. It is also used to state actions that the system performs at the end of the use case, regardless of what occurred in the use case.

Postconditions are used to reduce the complexity and improve the readability of the flow-of-events of the use case.

Under no circumstances should postconditions be used to create a sequence of use cases. There should never be a case where you have to first perform one use case, then another, in order to have a meaningful flow of events. If you feel a need to do this, the sequentially dependent use cases should be combined into a single use case. If this makes the combined use case too complex, consider techniques for structuring use cases.

9. Describe Extension Points

If the use case is to be extended by another use case, you need to describe what the extension points are.

10. Evaluate your Results

Review and discuss the use case with the stakeholders, so that they have a clear understanding of the use case and agree on its description.

The use-case description is complete only when it describes everything the use case performs, implements, or otherwise allows from beginning to end. Before you finish, check that the use case exhibits the properties that characterize it as a "good" use case.