Задача: Проверка диаграмм состояний для подсистем
This task describes the steps needed for the verification/validation of the elements defined during system decomposition.
Дисциплины: System Engineering Architecture
Расширяет: Проверка диаграмм состояний для подсистем
To verify/validate the architectural design model through model execution.
РолиОсновной исполнитель: Дополнительные исполнители:
    • Нет
      Основное описание
      In order to verify/validate the architectural design model through model execution, for each of the system blocks at the lowest level of the architectural model the associated state-based behavior needs to be described in a statechart diagram (if needed these statecharts could be created for higher levels too). The verification/validation of the detailed architectural design is performed through model execution on the bases of stimuli derived from the white-box sequence diagrams.
      Execute the Statechart
      Verify the correctness of the captured state-based behavior through model execution using the white-box use case scenarios as the basis for respective stimuli.
      Refactor the Statechart
      Once the use case state-based behavior of the use case is captured, look for ways to simplify it by restructuring the Statechart hierarchically.
      Execute the Hierarchical Statechart
      Verify the correctness of the captured state-based behavior through model execution using the white-box use case scenarios as the basis for respective stimuli.
      Дополнительные сведения