Роль: System Architect
This role is responsible for specifying a system architecture that will satisfy the system requirements and meet project objectives by providing technical leadership and acting as a source of creative vision for system development
Наборы ролей: Systems Architecture
Основное описание

This role defines a system architecture that will satisfy the system requirements and meet the project objectives to minimize cost and risk.  The role analyzes possible solution architectures to determine the preferred high-level design for the system.  Models of the architecture are created to verify that the design will meet the requirements.

The focus is on establishing and refinement of the system's structural aspects and is concerned with the optimization of these structures in terms of major system elements and their interfaces, and making trade-offs in competing factors and constraints (for example, performance, cost, environmental impact), in evaluating potential solutions that produce the required behavior. Its view spans the entire system and all factors, external and internal, that might affect its development. Given the need to maintain this broad view, this role rarely engages in depth in the detailed engineering of a system, preferring to leave that to other practitioners in the various engineering specialties.


A person performing this role needs:

  • Technical competence and strong communication skills (both written and verbal)
  • Sound knowledge systems architecture and design methodologies 
  • Critical reasoning skills and decision making skills
  • Creativity in figuring out solutions to complex problems
  • Skill in expressing him or herself in the language in which the architecture is captured (e.g. UML)
  • Leadership qualities, in order to drive the technical effort across the various teams, make critical decisions under pressure and make those decisions stick
Подходы к назначениюIf the project is large enough to warrant a system architecture team, the goal is to have a good mix of talents, covering a wide spectrum of experience and sharing a common understanding of the systems engineering process. Ideally in such a team there is an individual, almost certainly the lead, who owns the overall vision for the project. The system architecture team should not be a committee of representatives from various teams, domains, or contractors. System architecture is a full-time function, with staff permanently dedicated to it.