Артефакт: Спецификация системных требований
Этот артефакт определяет набор системных требований, ассоциированных с определенным контекстом работы.
Домены: Systems Requirements
The purpose of this artifact is to capture, in one place, the technical requirements of the system to be built.
Основное описание

A System Requirements Specification is strictly the set of all relevant System Requirements for a project. This set provides a complete and consistent abstract description of the solution to the problem represented by a stakeholder specification or a similar artifact, and its context, at an appropriate level of abstraction.

In practice, there may be several levels of System Requirements Specification - for example, in some cases the a single level might be enough, in others, the system must be broken-down into subsystems at various levels.

If more than one level of System Requirement Specification is used, then remember the following points:

  • Each specification must be a complete and consistent description of the solution, at an appropriate level of abstraction
  • Traceability must be maintained throughout the levels
  • All specifications must be maintained in parallel

Frequently, it is sufficient to evolve a single specification.

The system requirements specification captures all of the system functional and non-functional requirements in one place so that they may be analyzed for consistency, completeness and correctness.

Requirements must be clear, unambiguous, testable and complete. They must include all required properties of the system. Care must be taken not to over-specify (a common problem) by including design measures in the requirements.

Последствия отсутствияThe system requirements specification drives development and is the basis for verifying that the system will meet the stakeholder requirements.  Without this artifact it will very difficult to verify that the system will satisfy the stakeholder requirements.
Опции представленияThe system requirements specification may be represented as a document created in a word processing tool, as a report from a database or as a report from a commercial requirements management tool.
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