Артефакт: Диаграмма системных прецедентов |
Этот артефакт фиксирует прецеденты, субъекты, их описания и отношения между ними.
Домены: Systems Requirements |
To provide an overview of the use cases, actors and their relationships
To facilitate a better understanding of the system
Родительские практики выполнения |
Роли | Ответственный:
| Изменен:
Задачи | Вход для:
| Выход из:
Основное описание | This artifact should serve as a communication medium for customers, users, system developers. It also provides a basis for
prioritizing and partitioning the system use cases. |
Последствия отсутствия | Without this artifact, taking an iterative, incremental development approach would be very difficult. |
Опции представления | Representation options include: reports and diagrams from UML modeling tools, graphical representations created using
drawing tools, and/or drawings on whiteboards. Most of the detailed information is captured in the use-cases
themselves. |
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