Задача: Prioritize and Partition Use Cases
This task is where the system use cases are prioritized, so that their order of development can be decided and the architecturally-significant system use cases are identified.
Дисциплины: System Engineering Requirements
  • To define input to the selection of the set of system use cases and scenarios that are to be analyzed in the current iteration.
  • To define the set of system use cases and scenarios that have a substantial architectural coverage (that exercise many architectural elements, and are, therefore, architecturally significant), from which subsystem, process and locality requirements are derived.
РолиОсновной исполнитель: Дополнительные исполнители:
    • Нет
      Prioritize system use cases and scenarios

      Select the system use cases (and scenarios derived from these) to be realized, and thus used to derive subsystem, process, and locality requirements. The selection of system use cases and scenarios is driven by the following:

      • The benefit of the scenario to stakeholders: critical, important, useful.
      • The architectural impact of the scenario: none, extends, modifies.
      • The risks to be mitigated: performance, availability of a product, and suitability of a component.

      In general the impact on architecture is correlated to the criticality. However, it must be noted that there might be critical use cases that have little or no impact, and vice versa, and some ancillary use cases can have a big impact on the architecture, which makes it questionable from a business perspective. The main concern is to select a set of use cases that ensures broad coverage (participation) of system internals, while still satisfying other constituencies.

      Capture the architecturally significant use cases
      Capture the significant use cases and scenarios within each package in the Use-Case Model, together with significant properties such as descriptions of the flow of events, relationships, use-case diagrams, and special requirements related to each use case.