Артефакт: Системный прецедент |
Этот артефакт фиксирует поведение системы, приводящее к заметному результату, имеющему значение для того, кто взаимодействует с системой. |
Домены: Systems Requirements
Расширяет: Прецедент |
Use cases are used for the following purposes:
To reach a common understanding of system behavior
To design elements that support the required behavior
To identify test cases
To plan and assess work
To write user documentation.
Родительские практики выполнения |
Содержащиеся артефакты |
Роли | Ответственный:
| Изменен:
Задачи | Вход для:
| Выход из:
Краткая схема |
A use case typically includes the following information:
Name: The name of the use case
Brief Description: A brief description of the role and purpose of the use case
Flow of Events: A textual description of what the system does in regard to a use case scenario
(not how specific problems are solved by the system). Write the description so that the customer can understand it.
The flows can include a basic flow, alternative flows, and subflows.
Key scenarios: A textual description of the most important or frequently discussed scenarios
Special Requirements: A textual description that collects all of the requirements of the use case
that are not considered in the use-case model, but that must be taken care of during design or implementation (for
example, non-functional requirements)
Preconditions: A textual description that defines a constraint on the system when the use case
Post-conditions: A textual description that defines a constraint on the system when the use case
Extension points: A list of locations within the flow of events of the use case at which
additional behavior can be inserted by using the extend-relationship
Последствия отсутствия | Without this artifact, it might be unclear which functionality the solution needs to support. |
Причины для отказа | You might not need to use a use case if your project uses alternative requirements practices (for example, "The system
shall..." statements).
Опции представления |
You can document the use case as a use-case specification document or you can incorporate the use case in a use-case
model. You can also use a requirements management tool to capture use cases and parts of use cases.
Дополнительные сведения
Справочные таблицы |
Концепции |
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
Eclipse Public License V1.0, which
accompanies this distribution.
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