For those operations that aren't allocated, they are then defined at the lower level as a collaboration between the
entities at that level. This is done for the entities in each of the Viewpoints.
Elaborate the black-box flow-of-events text into sequences of white-box steps, which speak in terms of subsystem
actions and interactions. Next, a System Operation (black-box step) is expanded into one or more white-box steps, each
of which is performed by a named subsystem.
Note that the analysis now proceeds driven by System Operation; that is, treat the next realization step as the
realization of each System Operation (rather than the more abstract notion of system use case black-box step). The
white-box steps for each System Operation are captured (initially) and associated with the corresponding System
Operation as its realization. The white-box steps are not stored with the System Use-Case, but can be traced from the
System Use Case through the System Operation.