Задача: Получение и/или распределение операций
Эта задача описывает, как получить и распределить определенные операции.
Дисциплины: System Engineering Requirements
Allocate operations and realize interfaces
Given the operations from the previous level of decomposition; some will be allocated in whole to one of the subsystems at the current level for each Viewpoint. For those, the operation will be allocated and assigned to the appropriate subsystem interface.
Derive lower level operations and allocate

For those operations that aren't allocated, they are then defined at the lower level as a collaboration between the entities at that level. This is done for the entities in each of the Viewpoints.

Elaborate the black-box flow-of-events text into sequences of white-box steps, which speak in terms of subsystem actions and interactions. Next, a System Operation (black-box step) is expanded into one or more white-box steps, each of which is performed by a named subsystem.

Note that the analysis now proceeds driven by System Operation; that is, treat the next realization step as the realization of each System Operation (rather than the more abstract notion of system use case black-box step). The white-box steps for each System Operation are captured (initially) and associated with the corresponding System Operation as its realization. The white-box steps are not stored with the System Use-Case, but can be traced from the System Use Case through the System Operation.

Revisit completed viewpoints if necessary
In the case when an operation has been refactored, you need to revisit the previously-defined realizations in the viewpoints you addressed first.
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